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Men's Health: An Introduction

Edited by Diana Karczmarczyk & Susan Milstein

This comprehensive book addresses men’s health and wellness in the context of the male psyche, provides up to date research on men’s health, discusses theoretical frameworks, shares perspectives from men and lists consumer resources and tools. 


Chapter 6 on Sexual Orientation is authored by Diana Karczmarczyk and Courtney Gonzalez.


It's GREAT to be LOVED!

Courtney Gonzalez & Diana Karczmarczyk

A children's book that features children of many backgrounds, interests and abilities. This is a great book for  children and adults of all ages, with an emphasis on children ages 4–6.

It's GREAT to be YOU!

Courtney Gonzalez & Diana Karczmarczyk

A children's book that features children of many backgrounds, interests and abilities. This is a great book for  children and adults of all ages, with an emphasis on children ages 4–6.

Sex Education Policy: Need for a Standard Definition of Medically Accurate Information

Courtney M. Gonzalez, BS, CHES, Diana F Karczmarczyk, PhD, MPH, MCHES, Brittney L. Douress, BS, and Mackenzie M. Scott, BS

A review of federal policies and comparison of Chlamydia and teen pregnancy rates.

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